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F-Series Truck 5 & 6 Speed Conversions

Modern Driveline

Ford F Series Truck Conversions

Modern Drivelines has several approaches for 5 and 6 speed transmission conversions for your Ford F Series Truck. Modern Driveline can provide you with the parts needed to install one of our Tremec transmissions behind Straight Six, 289, 302 351w, 351c all FEs, 385 series and Coyote engines. Whether you are swapping out a automatic or manual transmission, Modern Driveline can build you a package that will fit your needs.

Starting with the T5z, Modern drive line will install our unique “Front Shift/Rear” position tail housing. Locating the shifter 13.25” from the back of the bell housing. This transmission is great for street use and stock to moderate horsepower engines.

 Next is the TKO transmission. Modern Driveline will install the “Mid Shift Kit” locating the shifter about 13.39” from the back of the bell housing. Depending on the engine used, Modern Driveline will use an offset shifter for correct shifter positioning. The TKO is a robust transmission and is capable of 600 FT/LB of torque and is great for small and big block engines for street and some strip use.

Then we have the T56 six speed for higher horsepower and torque for the higher RPM Mod motors. Modern Driveline will install our Front shift Kit locating the shifter about 13.06” from the back of the bell housing. Depending on the engine, used, Modern Driveline will use an offset shifter for correct shifter positioning.

Once the transmission has been selected, Modern Driveline personnel will work with you to determine the best way to adapt a transmission to your Truck. If your truck is a manual to begin with, you will be able to reuse the existing OEM bell housing using an adapter, your flywheel and mechanical clutch release in most cases. Or with some FE housings and TKO transmissions Modern Driveline can modify the input shaft for FE bell housings.

If your truck is equipped with an automatic transmission, we will start by selecting the correct bell housing, flywheel and clutch release.

Clutch selection is the next critical step. Modern Driveline will select one of our inhouse, handmade clutches that is matched to your horsepower and use up to 600 Horsepower. Beyond 600 Horsepower or strip use, Modern Driveline will recommend and provide either a Tilton twin disk clutch and Chromoly flywheel or the Mcleod twin disk clutch.

If your truck is a 4X4 and the transfer case is a separate unit, Modern Driveline can use a special Chromoly 1310 yoke with removable caps between the transmission and transfer case and you can have the shaft shortened at a local shop.

With all Ford F series trucks, you will need to modify the existing crossmember, or make a crossmember to support the transmission.

Modern Driveline will supply you with a slip yoke rated for your horsepower and use. Or we can provide a steel, aluminum or carbon fiber driveshaft as needed.


Modern Driveline has figured out all the details for Ford F Series Truck conversions for small block, big block and Mod motors.

Now let’s “Shift Forward” and “Make it Modern” and call today for a detailed quote.


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